Friday, September 4, 2009

9 Kythornn 1479

Yesterday's ...excitement has died down and the streets were quiet - well, as quiet as they get around here anyway. The guard is looking into the warehouse and all that, but I have a sneaking suspicion that won't go anywhere. I kinda hope not, in a weird way - if it goes that easy, then these guys were...well, evil but not um, super evil? And if that's the case, well, they didn't need to die...

But anyway, we spent most of the day shopping - and gawking. Helluva city, that's for damned sure. Anyway, I managed to offload that lantern we picked up as loot from the warehouse. "See things clearly", hells, I CAN see and what am I supposed to do? Wander about the fight with a lantern in one hand? Especially since talking our way OUT of fights doesn't look to be happening. Kinda think I got rooked on the deal, though, useless as it seems, had to have been worth more than THAT - but...well, I don't know what I'm doing and that's the truth. Nine hells, I can bargain well enough for the caravanserai, but well, here I'm just some back-country fool. At least it was enough money to stump up for a nice sword for Max.

Armed now with his shiny new scimitar, we headed for what is becoming his regular tavern - and there ran into his regular...friend. I may start calling the fellow Mad Dog for lack of a name, he's sure mad and there seems to be a dog... Anyway, he told Max that the dog said not to worry, it wouldn't change him, it just might make him stink. Kinda gives food for thought doesn't it? Then after a brief consultation with the invisible dog, he handed over 2 vials and said "oh, he says you'll need this" and then headed off. We looked at the vials - alchemical silver.

We were just pondering the ...potentials hanging on all that when a runner showed up from Turlough's - there's a job for us, show up first thing in the morning.

Not to worry, we won't change (or at least MAX won't), we need alchemical silver and suddenly we have a job? I got a bad feeling.

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